Stories that Span the Globe
PSNI has achieved success by addressing a particular challenge in the industry: standardizing specifications, technology, installation, service and lifecycle management on a global scale.
Along the way, we’ve created the premier global deployment process and developed a proprietary certification to ensure best-in-class results, every time. Read more about our success stories, and get to know the Certified Solution Providers who partner with us around the world.
Solutions Provided
Integrated Scheduling Workflows
- Audio and Video Conferencing
- Sensor-Based Automation
- Wireless and Wired Presentation
- Audio, Video, and Control Systems
When Arizona-based AV integrator Level 3 Audiovisual was tasked with a pair of global deployment projects in India, the client—a global semiconductor manufacturer—had one question: How could a U.S. integrator successfully execute an integration project halfway around the world? The answer: Through the Power of the PSNI Global Alliance Network.
For more than two years, Ohio’s iVideo Technologies has been the go-to audiovisual integrator for Cardinal Health. Another Ohio-based company, Cardinal Health operates the nation’s largest network of radiopharmacies and provides medical supplies to many of the most prestigious medical institutions in the U.S.
Solutions Provided
- Wireless collaboration
- Videoconferencing
- Huddle room
- Projection
- Control
Solutions Provided
- Audio and Video Conferencing
- Wireless Presentation Capabilities
- Room Control
Here’s a global audiovisual deployment riddle. If your headquarters are in Spain—and so is your favorite integrator—but you need help outfitting a new office in the Czech Republic, who do you call?
AV solution installation and support contracts for Cardinal Health
From Ohio to Osaka
A Global AV Deployment Success Story
Spain- and Austria-Based
PSNI Integrators Partner for AV Deployment in Prague
AV solutions installation and commissioning for Grifols
One Alliance. Local teams worldwide.
With offices in more than 200 of the world’s top economic centers, you can be certain we speak the languages and can manage all the logistical details, quickly and appropriately.